Well, clearly I have left you hanging! I have had many things going on since my last post. Some good and some sad and bad. I promise I will get to my salsa recipe sometime.
My Grandma, the most profound person in my life, passed away on the ninth of January, 2010. I was blessed to have her as a mother and a friend, although some will never agree, she understood me like no other. I came home form our family holiday in Flordia, we had a great visit and she never woke up. I think she was waiting for us to be home. It has left me extremely sad yet peacefull. I am not sure how, but thats how I explain it! My Grandma was very proud of all my accomplishments so, I have decided to jump in with both feet. No looking back, life is for the living.
I am happy to say that my photography is slowly taking off..... I have two weddings booked in July, deposits in hand, very excited. I am thrilled that I get to be part of such monumentious occasions in peoples lives. I have, however, struggled with the matter of price. There is almost always someone who will do it for less and many who do it for more. The whole " whats my time worth"? Of course I am partial to believe my time is priceless.... but........I have to be realistic and hope I will be picked because they love my work and for no other reason.
In deciding that I want to make a go of my passion, I have felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. I can now just say, I am a mother, and wife and a photographer. Everything else WILL follow.
With that being said here are a couple of my latest!
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