Well ,I have decided that I need to be more diligent already with this hole blogging thing. I debated on blogging about my salsa recipe but have decided to make that my next post...
I have had a very crazy week! As always I have so much on the go. For those of you who are reading and havnt a clue who I am, this is not unusual for me. I have offically made my July a very busy month... 3 weddings in 3 weeks and not only for pictures. I have two catered dinner's to provide food for 150 people each. Things are looking up!!!
As the Christmas season fast approaches I am overwelmed with excitment. I cant wait to do my baking for one thing. I will be getting some seamless paper to take indoor portraits. All together this means I get to do many things I love. My kids are already chattering about the thing they think Santa may bring. They are absolutly sure he has thought of them because they have already seen him departing our local Wal-Mart. Little do they know the excitment that we have in store for them. We have booked a trip for us all to Disney World, Yeah! We will be leaving Christmas day and they will not know where we are going until we get there. I will be needing good ideas for our scavenger hunt to Flordia so if you have any please feel free to spout.
I have a new lens baby that has been a fun little lens to play with..... I cannot wait for spring to return so I can get outside and get down and dirty with this lens.
Until next post........